#1 ranked PR firm on Clutch, G2, and UpCity

Online Reputation Management

Thousands of established businesses and brands have seen their online reputation tarnished and are paying the price. Our team of reputation management professionals is here to help get you back on track with online reviews, removing negative articles, creating positive backlinks, and more.

Do your search results look like this?

Search results are the new permanent record for companies and brands across the globe. Specifically, negative search results can stop you from landing that new job, closing a sale, or developing new partnerships and opportunities. Otter PR will help you clean up your negative search results through our proprietary methodology that combines an affinity for press coverage with an unparalleled ability to remove negative reviews and results.

How does it work?

We use a combination of techniques to remove and suppress your negative links while creating and promoting positive links for your business or brand.
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Why Otter?

Otter PR is a top PR firm in the United States and has worked with some of the best brands and influencers in the world. Our success is based on our reliability and ability to get impactful placements for clients to achieve their objectives. With hundreds of reviews of our own, we know what it takes to create a positive online reputation, and we are ready to share that knowledge and experience with you.

Transparent Pricing

There shouldn’t be any surprises when it comes to pricing your services for your online reputation. We believe in transparent pricing and expectations — your package should be based on your individual situation.

Essential ORM

A qualified assistant will work with you to create a custom ORM strategy with guaranteed results.



Expert ORM

One of our experts will work closely with you to create a detailed ORM plan and long-term strategy.



Executive ORM

With a certified ORM executive on your side, our team will provide expedited results.



What to Expect

With Otter, you will be a part of the process every step of the way as we navigate the ins and outs of your online reputation management strategy.

Online Reputation Management FAQs

How long does it take to see results?
You should start to see results within two weeks. Factors that may affect results include the strength of negative links, location, elapsed time, and the aggressiveness of the campaign.
Which package should I purchase?
Your choice will depend on search volume, quality of negative links, and our ability to remove negative material. Speak to our ORM expert for guidance.
Is there a minimum commitment?
Yes, if you choose to work with us it has to be for a minimum of three months. This is the average time frame to see significant success.
Can we speed up the process?
There are some things that we can do to speed things up, but Google is smart. If we do too much too fast, it may be counterproductive.
Do you have any guarantees?
Google changes its indexing rules periodically, making it impossible for us or anyone else to make guarantees. However, we do guarantee that you will see progress and gain new media assets each month.
How do you remove negative links?
We use a combination of strategies including appeals based on empathy, financial incentive, legal recourse, and more.
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Are you a good fit?

The amount of publicity they have generated for has been nothing short of impressive. It has dramatically increased new clients by 30% and I have seen my platforms grow 2-fold

Mike Mandell


Interested in working with Otter PR?

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